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Fennel's Positive Effects on the Body

Foeniculum vulgare, more commonly known as fennel, is an herb that is white-green in color and is also used as a medicinal plant. This plant is largely water, around 94% of it in fact for every 100 grams. It is low in fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

Through science it has been proved that fennel really is an incredible herb that has many health benefits. Consuming fennel can provide and have antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects on your body.

Some of the reasons why fennel is so good for your body to include the potent plant compounds that are found in fennel. For example, polyphenol antioxidants which cause strong anti-inflammatory effects on the body and benefit your health greatly. They help lower the risk of chronic conditions such as heart diseases, cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and neurological diseases. Other powerful antioxidants found in fennel include limonene and quercetin.

Fennel can improve heart health by reducing risk factors such as high cholesterol. This is due to the high level of fiber that is found in the plant. Fiber is known to reduce such risk factors. Fennel is also packed with nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium which also contribute to better heart health through the reduction of risk factors and reduction of high blood pressure. Heartburn can also be reduced because of phytoestrogen that is found in fennel. It stops muscle spasms, improves digestion, and prevents acid reflux. Fennel will help reduce the burning sensation and pain that sufferers of heartburn feel.

Since there are just so many possible ways that fennel could better your health and improve your standard of living, it is difficult to mention all of them and expand on them in this article. However, here is a quick rundown. Fennel may:

  • Benefit mental health
  • Relieve menopausal symptoms
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria within the body
  • Increase milk secretion which benefits breastfeeding women
  • Protect against certain cancers due to its cancer fighting properties
  • Help protect again various chronic diseases.
  • Protects against aging as it is a natural aid for skin care.

There are many ways that fennel can be introduced in your diet. Fennel is an incredible medicinal herb, but it is also known for being a culinary herb. One of the main ways people consume fennel to get a lot of its health benefits is fennel tea.

The impressive list of health benefits that people gain from drinking fennel tea is astounding. They include improved digestion as it speeds up the digestive process so your body can intake a lot more nutrients from the food it eats in a shorter period of time. Additionally, it is known to relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and stomach muscle cramps. This is achieved thanks to it the fennel tea relaxing the muscles within your body, which eases muscle pain and cramps.

Your immune system is strengthened thanks to the introduction of fennel in your diet. This helps your body fight of the flu successfully, so it doesn’t infect your body and cause all types of other issues that make it difficult for your body to function properly. Introducing fennel into your diet is the best way to prevent issues that you may suffer from later on in life.

If you suffer from arthritis, gout, and other inflammation issues through out your body, then fennel can help relieve that pain and improve your quality of life. Fennel will detoxify your body and help muscles and tissue all over the body function properly. This will reduce inflammatory responses that aren’t needed, making it easier to get through the day and decrease the amount of pain you feel. Making it easier to perform actions such as walking, sleeping, and whatever else you need to do throughout the day.

Fennel is great for your skin’s health. If you have ever looked into how to improve your skin and help it look better and more youthful, then you have come across the use of fennel. Fennel can help slow down the sign of aging and treat skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Essential oils in fennel such as chavicol help kill germs in the body and prevent skin infections as a result. Also, phytoestrogens which is found in fennel seeds help to improve skin tone and it has the anti-aging effect that most people look for in modern day skin care products.

As can been seen in the above section, the amount of help that fennel can provide just seems endless. People have been using fennel to treat many issues for over hundreds of years. Pain relief in muscles is another reason people like to use fennel.

Fennel can help relax the muscles in the body thanks to the nutrients that are contained within it. The anti-inflammatory, antioxidants agents in fennel help reduce and relieve the pain felt in the muscles and joints.

While fennel can be used to relieve pain in different parts of the body such as the muscles. It can also help strengthen the muscles in your body. Since fennel is rich in potassium, it can help promote kidney function, muscle strength, and bone health. These will help contribute to better overall health resulting in less muscle pain the future. Whether this muscles pain is caused by physical effort, or another reason related to a different aspect of your body and health.

Ingredient Found In: