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How Fenugreek Seeds Promote Healthy Hair

What Benefits Do Fenugreek Seeds Have for Hair?

Fenugreek seeds, also known as methi seeds, have been used as a home remedy for thousands of years. Ancient medicine touted many uses of fenugreek seeds, including soothing irritation of the skin, improving digesting, and even inducing labor.

Today, some of the most popular uses of Fenugreek seeds involve the hair. When used externally, the seeds' oils and nutrients promote hair growth, thicken thinning hair, and help treat dandruff.

Fenugreek seeds are beneficial for almost everyone, whether the goal is to add shine and thickness to already beautiful hair or soothe an irritated, dry, or itchy scalp.

How Do Fenugreek Seeds Promote Hair Growth and Treat Dandruff?

Fenugreek seeds contain essential nutrients for hair growth, such as iron and protein. They also have anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal plant compounds, including saponins and flavonoids. In addition, the seeds possess vitamin A, C, K, and folic acid, which are known to aid in healthy hair growth.

Dandruff can be caused by various factors, including excessive oils, dry skin, fungal growth, and inflammation. Since fenugreek seeds possess properties that combat many of these causes, it can be an effective anti-dandruff treatment. With moisturizing and soothing qualities, the seeds are proven to relieve discomfort in some of these cases.

Using Fenugreek Seeds Externally for Healthy Hair

Fenugreek seeds can be used topically after being soaked in water for several hours. It can be left overnight. The result is a gelled substance surrounding the seeds, similar to how chia seeds gel when soaked.

Then, the seeds must be ground into the gel, forming a thin paste. The result can treat hair and scalp issues like dandruff and hair loss or promote healthy, thick, and shiny hair.